Amelia Khan, Contributing Photographer

P511 Amelia Khan, Missouri USA

Amelia Khan, Missouri USA (P511)

Welcome to our new Contributing Photographer Amelia Khan from St. Louis, Missouri!
Amelia comments, “I first discovered the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals when I was a student at St. Louis Community College, taking an Introduction to Human Services course. For an assignment, I had to find a nonprofit organization, conduct an interview with someone who is a part of it, and write a reflection, to get a better understanding of what they do within. I was lucky enough to meet with the founder, Elaine, and she was so kind to meet with me virtually so I could interview her to learn more about what she created. Not shortly after, she gave me the opportunity to become a contributor to the foundation and my photo has recently been posted on her sites! I am thrilled to be a part of this organization that has turned a simple idea into something spectacular around the world. Elaine and everyone else who is a part of making this foundation what it is are incredible in making it happen. I hope to meet with Elaine and other contributors to the foundation one day and continue helping to make patients in hospitals around the world feel at ease in their setting!”
By |2022-02-10T08:14:01-06:00January 31st, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sheila Carel, Contributing Photographer

P512 Sheila Carel, Massachusetts USA

Sheila Carel, Massachusetts USA (P512)

Many thanks to our new Contributing Photographer Sheila Carel from Massachusetts!
Sheila comments, “I am lucky to live in Cochituate, a village of Wayland, Massachusetts and have been documenting the natural beauty around me on my daily strolls. These strolls bring me to lakes, ponds, woods, and so much more and are a balm to my soul. A good friend who works in one of the Boston hospitals suggested my art should be displayed in hospitals. A quick search brought me to the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals. When I read about the mission of this organization, I knew this was the perfect place to start. I was correct. Every step of the way through this process has been seamless, all Elaine’s doing. I am so thankful to have found this organization and am looking forward to the day I hear that my photograph of the prettiest kettle pond in Massachusetts is gracing the walls of a hospital and giving somebody a peaceful focus in a place of healing.”
By |2022-01-30T03:52:13-06:00January 30th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ava Siegle, Contributing Photographer

P510 Ava Siegle, Venice, Italy

Ava Siegle, Venice, Italy (P510)

Enjoy this “simpatico” photo our new Contributing Photographer Ava Siegle, taken in Venice, Italy! Ava interned for the Foundation in the Fall of 2021 and we thank her for helping promote our work! Ava comments, “I was an intern for Healing Photo Art while I was in Florence in Fall 2021. It was an incredible experience! I was also able to become a contributing photographer, and have one of my own photographs put up in hospitals in Uganda, Zambia, and the Philippines. Elaine was a great mentor and under her guidance I created “Animals of the World”, a video of images combined with beautiful harp music by Amy Camie. I hope that these healing sounds and sights can help some patients. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this foundation’s mission to bring healing photo art to hospitals all around the world, and I hope to work with Elaine again soon!”
By |2022-01-30T03:21:08-06:00January 29th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Laurie Holland Nessland, Contributing Photographer

P516 Laurie Holland Nessland, Colorado USA

Laurie Holland Nessland, Colorado USA (P516)

Many thanks to our new Contributing Photographer Laurie Holland Nessland for her lovely photo of a moose family.  Laurie comments, ” I am so grateful to be a part of this organization’s mission to bring healing art into hospitals! The beauty of nature and animals is such a gift, and I feel honored to be able to capture images that evoke pleasant emotions, which can aid in healing. After spending a month in & out of hospitals with a loved one, I thought to myself how amazing would it be to donate some of my photography to hospitals….and then I found this organization. Wonderful!”
By |2022-01-27T03:07:08-06:00January 27th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Karuna Duval, Contributing Photographer

P513 Karuna Duval, Galilee Israel

Karuna Duval, Galilee Israel (P513)

Welcome to our New Contributing Photographer Karuna Duval from Washington USA.
Karuna comments, “I was introduced to this organization through a friend. I love what they do!! Having worked in hospitals and now working in hospice, I completely understand the role that art plays in healing and comfort. I have been a photographer for the last 13 years and I am honored that one of my photos was chosen by this organization. They are stellar and made the process very easy.”
By |2022-01-05T10:47:44-06:00January 5th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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