Welcome to Morgan Cyr, our new Contributing Photographer!
Morgan comments, “I interned for Healing Photo Art this spring and it was a very pleasant experience. Elaine was always so welcoming and appreciative of the interns for the foundation. We went on visits to places around Florence that had just hung up photos in their healthcare settings. It was a truly amazing experience to see the impact art is able to have on well-being of individuals. It was clear that it had been well thought out what photos were chosen, as the foundation offers so many options to select from. I personally felt so moved by the art pieces that I decided to write reflections on my personal reactions to the art, which were later shared on social media. I also worked on making a video including some photos from the foundation shown alongside lovely harp music made by a friend of Elaine. Finally, I was given the opportunity to become a contributing photographer. I am beyond happy to now be making a lasting impact on the hospital settings that work with Healing Photo Art! On our last trip, Elaine was so kind to show us some amazing views around Florence for the day. The foundation has always gone above and beyond to spread positivity on communities and the world as a whole. It was a true honor to be a part of this mission.”
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