P478 Kourtney Dobmeier, Minnesota USA

Kourtney Dobmeier, Minnesota USA P478

Welcome to our new Contributing Photographer, Kourtney Dobmeier, from Minnesota! Enjoy her lovely photo of poppies! Kourtney comments, “I am happily serving as an intern for this wonderful Foundation! I’ve been able to share my passion of photography, and Elaine has shown me how to pursue that by becoming a contributing photographer, where my photo will be placed in hospitals all over the world! Working with this Foundation has allowed me to grow personally and professionally. They have a great mission, and one that I believe to be very powerful. The work they do is incredible and I am grateful to be a part of something that really does make a difference in the lives of others. Elaine has been so kind and caring, and has been a true pleasure to work with! I am so thankful for the opportunity to work with the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals!”