Molly Shwiff, Contributing Photographer

P586 Molly Shwiff, Switzerland

Molly Shwiff, Switzerland (P586)

Welcome to our new Contributing Photographer, Molly Shwiff!

Molly comments, “Soon after arriving to Italy as a study abroad student, I learned that I had the opportunity to intern for Healing Photo Art, an amazing foundation with a mission very close to my heart. Elaine’s goal of bringing healing to patients and easing anxiety for those in healthcare settings is something that means a lot to me. After recently visiting my grandma in hospitals and then hospice, some of the most special memories we shared together were talking about the beautiful nature photographs that hung on the walls of her rooms. I saw the peace and happiness that just these photos brought, even when she was in pain, and I now have a newfound appreciation for these beautiful photographs in healthcare settings. Elaine is one of the most genuine and caring people that I have met, and she shows us, through all the amazing work she does, what it means to truly help others. I am so thankful that I get the opportunity to contribute to the mission of Healing Photo Art.”

By |2024-02-26T06:03:23-06:00February 26th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Mike Garlit, Contributing Photographer

P551L Mike Garlit, Illinois USA

Mike Garlit, Illinois USA (P551L)

Enjoy this relaxing forest photo taken in Illinois by our Contributing Photographer, Mike Garlit!

Mike comments, “I am deeply honored and blessed to have this opportunity to share another of my images of God’s creation with those who might find some comfort during difficult times. The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals is a wonderful organization, and I pray for the continued success of their mission.”

By |2024-02-15T05:57:25-06:00February 15th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ismail Moideen, Contributing Photographer

P585 Ismail Moideen, Arabian Desert, Dubai

Ismail Moideen, Arabian Desert, Dubai (P585)

Welcome to our new Contributing Photographer, Ismail Moideen, from Dubai!

Ismail comments, “If my photos will help to heal people, I will be so happy to share all my pictures, full support from my side.  Thank you and take care yourself also while taking care of other people.”

By |2024-02-08T08:42:19-06:00February 8th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Myra Xu, Contributing Photographer

P582 Myra Xu, Norway

Myra Xu, Norway (P582)

Many thanks to Myra Xu, our new Contributing Photographer, for her lovely photo!

Myra comments, “I found Healing Photo Art when I was studying abroad in Florence, looking for an opportunity to engage with local culture and make a positive impact. The prospect of using my photography to bring comfort, hope, and healing to individuals in local hospitals resonated deeply with my values and professional goals. Elaine’s kindhearted nature and genuine compassion also shone through in every interaction I’ve had with her as a student intern and contributing photographer, fostering a sense of purpose and community that fuels our collective efforts. I am so grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this amazing organization!”

By |2024-01-04T04:05:35-06:00January 4th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Nicolo’ Petrocchi, Contributing Photographer

P580 Nicolo' Petrocchi, Lucca, Italy

Nicolo’ Petrocchi, Lucca, Italy (P580)

Welcome to our new Contributing Photographer, Nicolo’ Petrocchi!

Nicolo’ comments, “As a high school student passionate about photography, I saw my passions for nature and photography embodied by the Healing Photo Art Foundation’s mission. Elaine and I personally met to discuss the possibility of me becoming a contributing photographer. Having submitted my photos, officially becoming a contributing photographer and presenting the foundation to my school was not the best part. My favorite thing is being overwhelmed with joy every time Elaine tells me about my pictures being requested and patients telling her how much they like my photos. This foundation is something different, unprecedented in its mission and obliging with the community, especially with those people in physical or mental agony who need to find relief and, what better way than to let them experience the beauty and colors of our Earth through their own eyes?”

By |2023-12-16T07:49:55-06:00December 16th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Marco Alexander Rodriguez, Contributing Photographer

P583 Marco Alexander Rodriguez, Florida USA

Marco Alexander Rodriguez, Florida USA (P583)

Many thanks to Marco Alexander Rodriguez, our new Contributing Photographer, for his lovely photo!

Marco comments, “I had always wondered where the art in hospitals came from. After conducting some research, I discovered this foundation for Photos and art in Hospitals. I admired the foundation’s mission to give comfort and hope to patients, families, and caretakers. Photography is an activity I enjoy doing in my free time. I did not know that my pictures could help others until I stumbled across Ms. Elaine Poggi’s website, where I was able to become a contributing photographer and donate my image with ease. I am thankful to her and the foundation for giving me the opportunity to make my everyday hobby of taking pictures become so much more.”

By |2023-12-10T06:22:37-06:00December 10th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sierra Sinclair Stanford, Contributing Photographer

P581 Sierra Sinclair Stanford, North Carolina USA

Sierra Sinclair Stanford, North Carolina USA (P581)

Welcome to Sierra Sinclair Stanford, our new Contributing Photographer!

Sinclair comments, “Elaine’s story is beautiful, and this is an amazing organization. When I found the Healing Photo Art website, I admired their mission and was fascinated by the beautiful pictures in the galleries. I emailed Elaine inquiring on how to be a contributing photographer. Elaine responded quickly and within a week my photo was accepted into the Healing Photo Art gallery. I look forward to contributing more photos to and spreading the world about The Foundation for Photo Art in Hospitals!”

By |2023-12-09T05:39:14-06:00December 9th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sydney Tomes, Contributing Photographer

P579 Sydney Tomes, Minnesota USA

Sydney Tomes, Minnesota USA (P579)

Many thanks to Sydney Tomes, our new Contributing Photographer, for her lovely photo!

Sydney comments, “I am so excited to have my art be a part of Healing Photo Art. I heard about Healing Photo Art through my public health class at the University of Minnesota Duluth. I have many friends and family that are currently in different hospitals in Minnesota and it has saddened me to hear about all of the white walls they see when they are stuck in the hospital. I love taking photos, and I am excited that I get to share one of my photos! I hope that my photo brings healing and happiness to patients!”

By |2023-12-03T05:29:45-06:00December 3rd, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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