Sarah Kohrs, Contributing Photographer

P560 Sarah Kohrs, West Virginia USA

Sarah Kohrs, West Virginia USA (P560)

Many thanks to Sarah Kohrs, our new Contributing Photographer!

Sarah comments, “Art has a cathartic impact on those that make it and those that view. The mission of Healing Photo Art aligns with so many aspects of the creative arts that I hold dear: from encouraging others to fostering an appreciation for nature. I’m grateful to have an outlet for my photographic art that promotes positive connection and inspiring impact. Thanks, Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals!”

By |2023-04-27T10:39:11-05:00April 27th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Jasminemichael Vest, Contributing Photographer

P559 Jasminemichael Vest, Virginia USA

Jasminemichael Vest, Virginia USA (P559)

Welcome to Jasminemichael Vest, our new Contributing Photographer!

Jasmine comments, “Last year my husband was diagnosed with Cancer and the hospital became our family. Now that he is cancer free I wanted to find a way to give back to the hospitals and give back that warmth and comfort that was given to us.”

By |2023-04-20T10:13:17-05:00April 20th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Anna Eiland, Contributing Photographer

P558 Anna Eiland, Croatia

Anna Eiland, Croatia (P558)

Many thanks to Anna Eiland, our new Contributing Photographer, for her lovely photo!

Anna comments, “When I decided to study abroad, one of my main goals was to get outside my comfort zone and connect with my new community. Luckily, my university in Florence offered to connect me with a local organization. I was paired with Healing Photo Art, and I have been amazed by the work that Elaine and her team do here. I aspire to become a Physician’s Assistant, and this organization provided the perfect opportunity for me to combine my passions of medicine and volunteering. I have been able to use my unique interests and passions to help the organization. I especially enjoyed creating a video pairing the photographs from Elaine and contributing photographers with harp music created by Amy Camie. Elaine is one of the most caring, genuine, and motivated people that I have had the chance to work with, and this experience has been one of my favorite parts about studying abroad. I hope to continue working with the foundation when I return home. Thank you Elaine for making this such a memorable and meaningful experience!”

By |2023-04-19T03:56:26-05:00April 19th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Charlotte Colella, Contributing Photographer

P554 Charlotte Colella, Interlaken, Switzerland

Charlotte Colella, Interlaken, Switzerland (P554)

Welcome to Charlotte Colella, our new Contributing Photographer!

Charlotte comments, “Throughout my life I always had a great appreciation for art, especially its use as a therapeutic outlet. As I entered higher education, majoring in psychology and minoring in creative arts therapy, I was able to further my interests and gain a greater perspective on how art is used as a tool to heal. I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Elaine, The Foundation for Photo/ Art in Hospitals, and to work with an art-focused nonprofit. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to share research and my own photography with others, it has been such a rewarding experience. During my time with the Foundation, Elaine’s dedication definitely stands out. Her mission of making individuals more at peace during their time in the hospital is so inspiring. Her sincerity and care for all the interns is heartwarming and has helped me feel more at home during my time studying abroad. I am looking forward to continuing my work with the foundation for the rest of my semester!”

By |2023-04-11T07:48:59-05:00April 11th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Naseeha Ahmad, Contributing Photographer

P555 Naseeha Ahmad, Alberta, Canada

Naseeha Ahmad, Alberta, Canada (P555)

Enjoy this photo of our new Contributing Photographer, Naseeha Ahmad.

Naseeha comments, “As soon as I had made the decision to study abroad during my last semester of college I knew I wanted to get involved in the local community somehow. Fortunately for me, the school I was going to in Florence had a list of organizations that they partner with to help students get involved. As I was scrolling through the list, it was Elaine’s Healing PhotoArt foundation that caught my eye immediately. It seemed like fate because I realized that I could combine my love for photography and passion for medicine to help people in their process of healing. Joining the foundation as a photography intern is definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made. Elaine is such a warm, generous, and helpful person. Her passion and determination in all aspects are truly inspiring. I also loved playing a part in healing that was so different from the traditional focus of medical treatment. Elaine’s foundation has and continues to do amazing work, and I can’t wait to continue on this journey with her. Thank you for all that you do, Elaine! You’re truly so inspiring!”

By |2023-04-08T11:46:45-05:00April 8th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Saijal Vacek, Contributing Photographer

P553 Saijal Vacek, Alberta, Canada

Saijal Vacek, Alberta, Canada (P553)

Welcome to our new Contributing Photographer, Saijal Vacek. Enjoy her lovely photo!

Saijal comments, “I interned for Elaine at Healing Photo Art in Florence this past semester and am so grateful I could be a part of her nonprofit. Seeing behind the scenes of all the work that goes into it was eye-opening. The power of the art that people donate is incredible and to see firsthand the impact it is making in people’s lives is inspiring. Elaine loves to help people and spread unique photography around the world and I know she wouldn’t want to do anything else with her time. Her charm and gentile caring heart were a joy to be around. I am also a contributing photographer and can’t wait to continue to donate my images to the foundation! This has been such a rewarding and heartfelt internship. Although I am sad to go back to Minnesota I am excited to keep in touch and have connections through this incredible foundation. Thanks again Elaine for all you have done and continue to do.”

By |2023-04-05T15:26:56-05:00April 5th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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