Percy Chang, Contributing Photographer

P535 Percy Chang, Lovestad, Sweden

Percy Chang, Lovestad, Sweden (P535)

Enjoy this colorful photo by our new Contributing Photographer, Percy Chang!

Percy comments, “Talking about being a positive force, Elaine has brought together a community of talented photographers and attached their photos and art with a beautiful purpose. I am so inspired! Every photo in the collection of the Healing Photo Art Foundation communicates hope and connection and is ready for its mission: to enhance the environment of hospitals around the globe and uplift the spirits of those who are there. I feel truly blessed to take part in this meaningful and wonderful project!”

Peace and love, Percy Chang

By |2022-11-29T09:05:23-06:00November 29th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Kenneth Wagner, Contributing Photographer

P536 Kenneth Wagner, Belize

Kenneth Wagner, Belize (P536)

Welcome to our new Contributing Photographer, Kenneth Wagner!  Enjoy his beautiful photo, ‘Breaking Waves’!

Kenneth comments, “I found out about this organization through a dear friend. I’ve loved taking photos since a teen and could afford my first Instamatic. Work and business put most of my hobby on the back burner for years. In the last few years we finally began traveling and my love of photography was rekindled. When I learned about the possibility of sharing my passion with hospitals and maybe giving patients or their families a brighter day I couldn’t wait to submit a few photos. I’ve seen these types of photos on the walls of hospitals in St. Louis and always wondered where they came from. Now I know and will be thrilled if any of my photographs can make someone smile or make them forget their pain for just a while. At my age, giving something back to others makes me smile. Thank you Elaine and your organization for all that you do.”

By |2022-11-22T10:51:28-06:00November 22nd, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Jeffrey Steefel, Contributing Photographer

P537 Jeffrey Steefel, Hawaii USA

Jeffrey Steefel, Hawaii USA (P537)

Many thanks to our new Contributing Photographer, Jeffrey Steefel, for his lovely photo!

Jeffrey comments, “I have long been looking for a way to put my landscape photography to good use by donating images for hospitals and places of healing and have found it surprisingly difficult. In searching, I discovered the foundation which does exactly that! I have unfortunately spend a lot of time in hospitals with ailing family members dealing with cancer and the surroundings can feel sterile and anything that brings the beauty of nature to the environment is a blessing. I find nature personally healing and photography has always been a way to get out and appreciate the beauty all around us. I am grateful to this organization for everything they do.”

By |2022-11-21T04:12:07-06:00November 21st, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Celebrating 20 Years of Healing Photo Art

Florence, Italy

Photo by Elaine Poggi of Florence, Italy

 20 years ago The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals was incorporated as a 501(c)3 USA nonprofit. I created it to honor my mother, who spent her last months in the hospital. I have put my heart and soul into placing beautiful nature photos in hospitals around the world. Many thanks to our 440 Contributing Photographers, to our Board of Directors and International Board of Advisors, to our interns, volunteers, and donors. It is because of you that we have placed 10,402 photos in hospitals on all 7 continents! Please donate whatever you can to keep our work expanding into the future. Thank you so much!!

By |2022-11-16T11:07:15-06:00November 16th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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