William Vergonet, Contributing Photographer

P568 William Vergonet, Georgia USA

William Vergonet, Georgia USA (P568)

Enjoy this lovely photo of our new Contributing Photographer, William Vergonet!

William comments, “I use photography as a release and / or a therapy of sorts.  I have a stressful career and photography allows me a chance to break away from that daily and focus on beautiful things and moments. Photography helps me and so I am extremely excited and honored, to have my work used by the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals. Just the thought that one of my images can maybe help in someone’s recovery , or help in any way, is just out of this world an amazing feeling. I really love what Elaine is doing here and want to support the foundation in any way I can. 

By |2023-08-15T05:05:02-05:00August 15th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Caitlin Garvey, Contributing Photographer

P562 Caitlin Garvey, Virginia USA

Caitlin Garvey, Virginia USA (P562)

Welcome to our new Contributing Photographer, Caitlin Garvey!

Caitlin comments, “I am so grateful to have found Elaine and the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals. When my parents were in hospitals, we discovered first-hand how important nature is to the healing process. The peace and comfort derived from nature is critical at all times, but especially so in hospitals and other such institutions. My personal experience led me to try to find a way to get my images into hospitals as a means of helping other families, and I was so happy to discover the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals. I am honored to have my work included in such a mission to bring healing photo art to hospitals around the world.”

By |2023-08-02T03:58:38-05:00August 2nd, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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