
How Do I Request Photos for My Hospital?

For hospitals with available funds…

Some hospitals are able to fund their own projects or receive funding assistance from their internal foundations or auxiliaries and volunteer services. If you represent a facility with available funds, you may contact us directly and order the nature photos of your choice. Please follow the instructions given below when placing your order:

Contact us to decide the quantity of photos needed for the specific area of the facility, hospital, or medical center. Minimum order is 10 photos.

Select the photos from our photo gallery and send the list to  We can also send photos without frames, which can be framed locally to match the facility furnishings.

Although all images are donated by our Contributing Photographers, we require a donation by or on behalf of the facility to cover the expenses of photo printing, laminating, framing, shipping, and handling. This donation is tax deductible. Upon receiving your order, a proposal for the funds needed for the project will be sent.

Make your contribution payable to The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals, Inc. for the amount on the proposal. Please donate online (click the button below) or send a check to:

Rosemary Strembicki, Treasurer
The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals, Inc.
4909 Laclede Ave., Unit 1704
St. Louis, MO 63108

  • All donations will be gratefully acknowledged by letter.
  • The photos are shipped to the healthcare facility by UPS. Please allow two months from when the order is placed to delivery.
  • Hang the photos in your hospital or facility (a small nail is required).
  • Often the facility organizes a dedication or inauguration of the new photo exhibition.

For hospitals with little or no available funds…

Please complete the application form, and, as funds become available to us, we will ship to you 20 mounted nature photos as a gift from The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals.

Why you should get photo art from us…

Our healing photos are more affordable than most hospital art. Our objective is to reduce the expenses of each photo to a minimum so that more photos can be placed in more facilities. In the case of bringing healing photo art to patients, their loved ones, and healthcare professionals, more is better.

Sponsor a Facility…

Many healthcare facilities that would like to order healing photo art have no funding available and must rely on the generosity of others, such as private foundations, corporations and local businesses, community organizations, and individuals. If you represent an organization or individual who would like to sponsor a healthcare facility, please contact us.

“The Foundation for Photo Art in Hospitals is an organization that reaches individuals in a heartfelt manner at critical times in their lives. This became evident to me when I attended a dedication of photographs on an adolescent psychiatric unit. The photos had been chosen through discussion with the young patients and each one of them came alive when they spoke about their favorites. We don’t often appreciate the small changes we make in individual lives but this foundation can take pride in how it salves the wounds of those suffering both physically and emotionally.” Rosemary Strembicki, Foundation Board Member, St. Louis, MO “Our Art Cart program is a “smashing” success. The patients, families and staff all love it. They intermingle with the patients on their choices. Wonderful stories come out of it. One in particular is an underwater picture with beautiful fish. One lady would not be transferred out of her room until the picture came with her. She said it reminded her of her best friend and her aquarium which gave her much comfort.” Suzanne M. Gaughn, Volunteer Services Manager, Olean General Hospital, NY “It was wonderful meeting you on Wednesday. You and your work became the topic of conversation at dinner with my family. I was so impressed with your skills as an artist, speaker and philanthropist.” Steven B. Miller, MD, Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO “We appreciate very much the photos from your organization. It brings smiles to staff, patients and their relations who visit our facilities. The power of the photos in the healing process of our patients is incredible to the extent that it attracts and serves as points of convergence for patients at rest hours. The attraction of the photos enables patients to socialize among themselves, share common concerns and forget about their discomfort. Such fraternity among patients from different locations temporary brings relief which is crucial in the healing process and we are very grateful to Healing Photo Art Foundation.” Omar Nurudeen, District Health Services Administrator, Ghana, Africa “We tend to associate hospitals with sadness but Elaine’s photos change this perception. Her colorful images offer a window of color, memory and discovery, which is integral to any healing process. Changing people’s lives, room by room, wall by wall…these are the beacons of light and hope our world needs, day by day.” Elettra Fiumi, New York, NY “Your work is spectacular, and the framed photographs have added a wonderful dimension to the Breast Center… We hear very positive comments frequently from our patients and their families about the photographs. Patients have told us the pictures provide a sense of calm and hope, and how the pictures remind them of a happy time in their life. Your gift to the Breast Health Center was… deeply appreciated by all of us who work caring for women with breast problems, and most of all, by our patients. We have all been touched by your generous donation of such a personal and beautiful gift. Your work is obviously a labor of love, and we feel privileged to be the beneficiary of such kindness.” Virginia Herrmann, M.D., Breast Health Center, Washington Univ. School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO